At the Ballyholme Yacht Club there was a cascade of results. At the Irish Youth Sailing Pathway Nationals 208 -sailor and 190-boat was there and no one has the clue who will finish at what position.

In the event everything was spectacular in addition to the outstanding runaway win of Cork’s Justin Lucas and Optimists Tralee. Another great happening of the event was Fingal eight mile coastline stretch dominated what can be called the Laser Radials, premier class.
In terms of youth sailing, this was the game of Grownups’. At the end of the match, Hawth’s Ewan McMahon finished first, yet in the initial stages the leader of the championship was Rush’s Aaron Rodgers. After that he had ups and downs, however the rush of rush men as Conor Quinn was seen in the final race.
They gave the spectacular performance and finished in the second position. Meanwhile, the Aaron Rodgers got back his mood to finish in third position.
During the time of racing, they hardly had the time to breathe at Rush, this is because; this weekend sees the staging of a national event in the Toppers Travellers’ Trophy series. Moreover, all types of club racing are also there, as the season moves into full gear. In the event, in the key role long-established Mermaids are there and the other big one who will have its presence in the event is the Leinster Lasers.
Therefore, it can be said that for Rush Sailing Club, the future is bright. They are performing great in the championships and are also hosting gigantic and adventurous events. The team is also motivated and in high spirit to show their spectacular performance. Nevertheless, future will tell more stories about the team, how they are performing in the various national and international events.